pbd initial state
In scenes where a calm liquid surface is needed, you may need to run a certain number of frames until the liquid reaches equilibrium. In such cases, you can pre-simulate once and then use this node to set one of those cache files as the starting point for the rest of the simulation.
This node cannot operate independently; it requires an existing PBD liquid setup, including PhysX Sim, PBD Liquid Sim, and PBD Liquid Phase nodes.
Enabled - Enable or disable node evaluation.
PhysX Sim - Select the PhysX simulation that will use liquid cache for initial state.
Path ??? Select the cache file (*.nxd) containing the liquid simulation you want to load into the current simulation.
Mode ??? In most cases, you will use Replace mode, which clears any existing particles in the scene and loads the cache. Add mode can be used to add cached particles to those already present in the simulation.
Load Frame ??? A 3ds max frame when cache will be loaded.
Liquid Entry ??? Each scene can have multiple cached simulations, so if multiple entries are present, you???ll need to choose which one to load. In most cases, the entry number will be 0.
Import Liquid ??? Import liquid particles
Import Foam ??? Import foam particles.