Release History
Released on 9.September.2024
New Features and Improvements
- This version introduces the NodeWorks PhysX Extension, a set of nodes offering GPU-accelerated PBD liquid simulations directly inside 3ds max. Ideal for small-scale liquids, this type is characterized by its stability and simulatio speed. Being PhysX-based, it interacts with static, kinematic, and dynamic PhysX objects, making it easy for artists to achieve a wide range of visual effects. Additionally, PBD liquids are integrated within NodeWorks memory caching, enabling instant playback within the 3ds Max viewport. Integration with the Arnold renderer provides out-of-the-box foam rendering support in the form of Arnold Points or Arnold Volumes.
FumeFX 6.5 New Features Video
- NodeWorks added icons for the attribute panel instead of the right-click menu option.
- NodeWorks Physx Solver node renamed to PhysX Sim.
- NodeWorks added Get PhysX Sim node to provide access to PhysX.
- NodeWorks default PhysX solver is now TGS (Temporal Gauss Siedel).
- NodeWorks optimizations and speed improvements on Neighbours node, FFX Vertex Write modifier ??? more than twice as fast on high particle count.
- NodeWorks color display option to vary particle group color display by particle speed.
- NodeWorks Spline Force node added End Limiter option to limit influence to the end of the spline.
- NodeWorks Spline Force node has new PhysX input capability so it can apply spline force to the liquid.
- NodeWorks ISurf node added option to mesh the entire particle group at once.
- NodeWorks ISurf node now has option to use PhysX as an input.
- NodeWorks Material ID node added option to offset existing face material IDs.
- NodeWorks Shape Instance node added option to offset existing face material IDs.
- NodeWorks Load Cache Gen node added more information about loaded cache file.
- NodeWorks Load Particle Cache node and PartLoad object were forcing 4 digits for .prt cache files frame format.
- NodeWorks file dialogs automatic file extension change on filter extension change.
- NodeWorks Event Timer node now shows range in its header.
- NodeWorks Caching added options for .prt caches to choose between caching particles, PBD liquids, or PBD foam.
- NodeWorks Object Info node added object???s up vector output.
- NodeWorks Node About box displays a list of supported input types.
- NodeWorks Particle Shape node removed Material ID from the UI.
- NodeWorks Spawn node added Position Jitter options.
- NodeWorks Location Object input index - if out of range it will now calculate the module value so that the list repeats automatically.
- FFX Vertex Test modifier renamed to FFX Vertex Write.
- FFX Vertex Test modifier Fade parameter is now in seconds.
- FFX Vertex Write modifier added calculation progress bar.
- FFX Vertex Write modifier added access to NodeWorks Liquid particles so it can be used as a wet map modifier.
- Part Load object added list of loaded particle groups, particle counts, and support for liquid particles.
- Updated to PhysX 5.3.
- Removed support for 3ds max 2019.
- Added support for 3ds max 2025.
- FumeFX crash with Geom Source emitting from selected faces. Crash happens in max 2024 and 2025.
- FumeFX Object Source didn???t enable/disable pressure Amount control when Pressure checkbox was clicked.
- FumeFX vdb export caused grid jittering. This bug was introduces with FumeFX version 6.1.7.
- FumeFX Voxel Data Display triangle colors have not been displayed correctly starting from the 3ds max 2023 version.
- FumeFX RenderWarps controls were not visible if the current renderer was anything other than Scanline. RenderWarps will still work only with Scanline or during Post Processing.
- Retimed NodeWorks caches didn't compute motion blur properly.
- If NodeWorks cache Export Range was different from Sim Range the result was unpredictable.
- NodeWorks Shape Instances didn't render per face material IDs as Arnold Instance.
- NodeWorks Shape Instance didn't use object's pivot point transformations.
- NodeWorks Display Grid will crash with memory cache if grid is not yet initialized/loaded.
- NodeWorks Save Caches node didn't work with range export.
- NodeWorks Load Cache node and PartLoad didn't properly work with animated retime factor.
- NodeWorks Save Particle cache node parameters change should not restart the simulation.
- NodeWorks Grid nodes could reference wrong grid when grid is connected through input pin.
- NodeWorks PhysX Static Collision node - Kinematic objects weren't able to use triangle mesh for collision.
- NodeWorks PhysX Object node - Kinematic objects weren't able to use triangle mesh for collision.
- NodeWorks Retimed particles rendered as Arnold points with motion blur may not have rendered correctly.
- ISurf didn't properly list PartLoad object within the pick list dialog.
- ISurf now avoids remeshing particles at render time when no changes have occurred, resulting in a significantly faster workflow.
- PartLoad object didn't copy cache path to the new copied object.
- PartLoad object didn't properly set custom transformation to particles.
- FFX Vertex Write Fade parameter didn???t work properly.