Release History
Released on 14.January.2025
New Features and Improvements
- FumeFX Particle Source object now includes an option for user-defined particle lifespan. This new option provides significant help for artists using tyFlow, as it lacks the particle lifespan information required for proper AFC controls operation.
- NodeWorks added a 3ds max particle interface option, allowing users to select particle groups and PBD liquid particles for integration with third-party plugins like tyFlow.
- NodeWorks added a new Propagate node, enabling particle attributes, including custom attributes, to propagate from nearby particles.
- NodeWorks Spline Force node added a Spline Lock option to ensure particles follow the first spline curve they are assigned to. Without this, particles may switch splines based on proximity.
- NodeWorks Spline Force node added a Spline Index input pin, allowing procedural spline selection for each particle. These additions greatly enhance the node's flexibility.
FumeFX 6.5.4 update new features video
- NodeWorks Color node is renamed to Color Const node.
- NodeWorks added a new Color node for quickly reading and writing particle color attribute.
- NodeWorks Object Info node now lists all object information, such as number of vertices, face, surface area, volume and other, directly within the attributes rollout.
- NodeWorks Initialize Grid node now includes options for voxel grid expansion, similar to FumeFX controls.
- NodeWorks Speed, Scale, Mass, and Position nodes now include a Blend option, enabling a smooth transition between user-defined and current particle values.
- NodeWorks Force node added Read, Set, and Add options.
- NodeWorks Spin node now supports Read, Set, Add, and Blend options.
- NodeWorks Display Attributes node now includes an option to display the particle Spin attribute.
- NodeWorks FFX Vertex Write modifier issue. When it was added to an object it started computing from the wrong start frame.
- NodeWorks Spin node didn't work properly with simulation substeps.
- Licensing authorization didn't properly interpret number of licenses to authorize and it always authorized all licenses.
- Licensing online authorization required company name.