Spline Follow



Spline Follow is an object that allows you to force FumeFX fields to flow along the spline curve.


To create a Spline Follow open FumeFX manu and select Spline Follow. When done, you will be presented with a number of options, including which NURBS curve to use.



Active - You can turn Spline Follow on/off using this checkbox.


Rate - This value will reduce all emission parameters proportionally.





Note: Used NURBS curves must be smooth and without corners!



Visualize - When enabled it allows visualization of various parameters inside the viewport.


Draw only when selected - Allows viewport display even when Spline Follow isn't selected.


Number of Slices - Number of slices along the spline.


Size Multiplier - Scales the segment display.


Draw - Select which parameter will be visually displayed inside the viewport



Flow Parameters

Influence Radius - Influence radius defines a maximum distance from the closest point on the spline curve where Spline Follow will have any effect. Further away Spline Follow will have absolutely no effect. It also provides AFC control that allows influence distance variation along the spline.


Centripetal Component - This is a force that will push flow towards the spline. Too high parameter will cause the flow to oscillate.


Maintain Align - High value will force the flow to make turns on the spline curves in the way so that it maintains constant cross shape. Although this is not a natural motion, it might be useful in some cases.


Rigidity - Value of 1.0 means that external forces and Turbulence Noise will have very little influence on the flow. Lower Rigidity values might result in more detail and more "relaxed/natural" flow.


Blending Rate - If this value is set to 0.0 then Spline Follow will have no effect. Value of 0.1 will blend 10% velocities that Spline Follow calculates with 90% what's already in the grid. Value of 1 will use 100% what it calculates and put those velocities back into the grid. For flexible flow you should use lower values.


Stick to Spline - This checkbox should be enabled whenever user wants FumeFX flow to follow the animated spline curve.



Strength Along Axis

Strength Along Axis- Defines speed at which the FumeFX flow will follow the spline curve.


Along Axis Directional AFC - This AFC enables the Strength parameter variation along the spline.


Along Axis Radial AFC - This AFC enables the Strength parameter variation across the spline cross section.



Strength Around Axis

Strength Around Axis - Defines speed at which the FumeFX flow will turn around the spline curve. Positive value means counterclockwise rotation.


Around Axis Directional AFC - This AFC enables the Strength parameter variation along the spline.


Around Axis Radial AFC - This AFC enables the Strength parameter variation across the spline cross section.



Strength From Axis

Strength From Axis - Defines speed at which the FumeFX flow will be attracted to the spline curve or repelled from it. Positive value means repulsion from the curve.


From Axis Directional AFC - This AFC enables the Strength parameter variation along the spline.