


Windows Installation





FumeFX has been developed and tested on Windows 7 64 - bit and Windows 8 64 - bit.





FumeFX ships as the self - extracting package. Once executed, a series of dialogues will guide you through the installation procedure.




Installer will automatically find the path to the Maya installation and if the Maya location is correct, please do not alter it. After completing the installation, plugins will be in place and AfterFLICS service will be running.


Location of installed files:


[MAYA_PATH]\bin: AWUtils.dll, VoxelFlow.dll

[MAYA_PATH]\FumeFX\plug - ins : FumeFX.mll

[MAYA_PATH]\FumeFX \icons : FumeFX icons

[MAYA_PATH]\FumeFX\scripts : FumeFX .mel scripts

[MAYA_PATH]\modules : FumeFX.mod


[MENTAL_RAY_PATH]\shaders : ffxDyna.dll

[MENTAL_RAY_PATH]\include : ffxDyna.mi


[WINDOWS_DRIVE]:\Program Files(x86)\AfterFLICS: AfterFLICS folder


Once you have installed the plug - in, start Maya and open Plug - in Manager located on the main menu (Window - >Settings/Preferences - >Plug - in Manager)


Enable the FumeFX plugin Loaded and Auto load checkboxes.



Linux Installation




Linux requirement is the same as the Maya requirement. That is - Fedora 14 64 - bit or RHEL 5.5 minimum. FumeFX plugin may run on various Linux distributions, but Sitni Sati d.o.o. will not be able to provide support.



When installing the FumeFX software, please make sure that you have root privileges.


After extracting the .zip package you should have following files (XXXX is the number; 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - depending on the Maya version):

i)   FumeFX40_ADMXXXX - x64_Fedora.tar

ii)  FumeFX40_AFLICS_Fedorax64.tar

iii) installFumeFX35_ADMXXXX -



I) GUI installation (requires zenity package to be installed):

1. Run "./installFumeFX40_ADMXXXX -" as root from the installation directory


2. Choose option "Install FumeFX 4 with AfterFLICS service (For Autodesk Maya XXXX - x64)"


3. Choose location where Autodesk Maya is installed (eg. "/usr/autodesk/maya2016 - x64")


4. Choose location where mental ray is installed (eg.

   "/usr/autodesk/maya2016 - x64/mentalray" for older versions or

   "/usr/autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2016" for latter versions)


5. Restart AFLICS service on your machine to make sure that the AFLICS service is installed properly (eg. run "service AFLICS restart" as root)




II) Command - line installation:

1. Run "./installFumeFX40_ADMXXXX - install <MAYA_LOCATION>  <MR_LOCATION>" as root where <MAYA_LOCATION> is location where Autodesk Maya is installed (eg. "/usr/autodesk/maya2016 - x64") and <MR_LOCATION> is location where mental ray is installed (eg.

   "/usr/autodesk/mayaXXXX - x64/mentalray" for older versions or

   "/usr/autodesk/mentalrayForMayaXXXX" for latter versions)  

2. Restart AFLICS service on your machine to make sure AFLICS is installed properly (eg. run "service AFLICS restart" as root)


Location of installed files:


[MAYA_PATH]/FumeFX/modules: FumeFX.mod

[MAYA_PATH]/FumeFX/plug - ins:

[MAYA_PATH]/FumeFX/icons: FumeFX icons

[MAYA_PATH]/FumeFX/scripts: FumeFX .mel scripts







[MAYA_PATH]/mentalray/include: ffxDyna.mi


[MAYA_PATH]/mentalray/shader/include: ffxDyna.mi





Once you have installed the plug - in, start Maya and open Plug - in Manager located on the main menu (Window - >Settings/Preferences - >Plug - in Manager)


Enable the FumeFX plugin Loaded and auto load checkboxes.