FumeFX Wind
This object allows you to generate wind inside the FumeFX grid and visualize the force inside the viewport. However, it will not work with any other Maya object.
Strength - The strength of the directional wind component. Values less that 0.0 will invert the direction on the wind.
Planar/Spherical - Two possible wind types.
Strength - Strength of the turbulent component which is calculated by using the Perlin noise algorithm.
Frequency - Value greater than 0.0 will cause turbulence to change over time. Smaller value will produce slowly changing turbulence.
Scale - Turbulent noise scale. Bigger values will produce smoother noise pattern.
Levels - Detail is equivalent to fractal noise levels. Set to a value greater than one if you do not see enough detail. This will, of course, slow down the simulation.
Detail Scale - Controls the scale of higher noise levels. This parameter has effect only if Levels is more than 1
Detail Amount - Controls the contribution of higher noise levels. This parameter has effect only if Detail Levels is more than 1
Type - FumeFX Wind supports several falloff types.
- None - Wind strength will not vary with distance from emitter.
- Linear - strength will linearly decrease between ranges defined by the Start and End parameters
- Exponential - strength will exponentially decrease between ranges defined by the Start and End parameters.
Decay - the rate at which the force will decrease by the distance
Start - Falloff range start
End - Falloff range end
Icon Size - FumeFX Wind icon size in viewport
Visualize Wind - Enabling this option allows all the wind parameters to be visualized directly inside the Maya viewport. Forces are displayed on two perpendicular planes which position can be manually adjusted.
X Pos - Position of the first visualization plane.
Y Pos - Position of the second visualization plane.
Density - Determines how dense the display vectors will be.
Scale - The force vector scale factor. It does not have the influence on the actual force, but it's used only for visualization.