save particle cache



This node will save simulation to the cache file. It will save all particle groups that have exporting option enabled (Workspace->Groups). When FumeFX simulation is being calculated and it interacts with objects like particles, cloth etc, use "During FumeFX Sim" Mode option to cache particles for each calculated frame.




Enabled - Enable or disable node evaluation.


Path - Select the path where caches will be saved.


Mode - There are several modes for caches export.

  • Always - Caches will be saved whenever the simulation is executed and there is at least one particle in the system.
  • Snapshot - Click on the Export button will create just one snapshot for the current frame.
  • Simulation Range - Click on the Export button will export all caches within the simulation range - as set through the Simulation menu option.
  • User Range - Click on the Export button will export all caches within the user defined range.
  • During FumeFX Sim - This will automatically save caches when FumeFX is running the simulation.


Start Frame - Caches export range start.


End Frame - Caches export range end.


Export - Press this button the run the simulation and to export the caches.



Cached Data

Select which particle attributes you want to save to caches. It is also possible to save particle shapes, splines and custom channels