perlin noise



This node calculates the Perlin noise.

It accepts particles, positions of voxel grid as input.




#Particle Stream - This pin requires a particle stream to be connected. Connection is usually not required if any of the attributes is connected.


Enabled - Enable or disable node evaluation.


#Input (Position) - This pin requires position to be connected and the force will be calculated at that position.


#Input (Grid) ??? Calculate Perlin noise the entire voxel grid. This operation is faster than applying noise on a voxel-by-voxel basis.



Grid Properties

This rollout becomes available when voxel grid is connected to the Grid input.


Use Smoke ??? Enable this option is you want force to be computed only in voxels with smoke present.


Use Fire ??? Enable this option is you want force to be computed only in voxels with fire present.


Use Temperature ??? Enable this option is you want force to be computed only in voxels with temperature present.


Entire Grid ??? Enabling this option overrides all three previous options. Force will be calculated for all grid voxels regardless of the voxel content.




Noise Type - Choose between Fractal, Turbulence and Fractal Signed noise types. Output for Fractal and Turbulence noise types are positive values while Fractal Signed noise outputs signed values.


Scale - The scale of the noise. Lower number means that the noise will be smaller.


Levels- Number of octaves to compute. Higher number brings additional small scale details.


Persistence - This parameter controls amplitude reduction between successive levels. It controls how quickly the amplitude reduces per level.


Lacunarity - Choose the frequency scale between successive levels calculations.


Low/High Threshold - Remaps the noise value from 0-1 range into the Low-High Threshold range. .


Animated - Enable this option to use animated noise.


Speed - Noise animation speed.





Noise - Outputs the 1D noise result.


Noise 3D - Outputs the 3D noise result.