


Linear interpolation between values A and B based on the value of t, where t must be in the [0-1] range.

The t is first offset by the Input Offset value (t-offset) and then the resulting value is scaled by the Input Scale value.

Result is calculated as A + scale*(t-offset)*(B-A).




Input t - Interpolation factor.


Input Offset - Interpolation factor offset.


Input Offset - Interpolation factor scale.


Input A - Value A for the interpolation.


Input B - Value B for the interpolation.


Show As Colors - If input pin type is set to float3, then you can display it as a color.


Normalize - If enabled, the output vector will be normalized. Available only if A and B are Float3 type.


Lerp Translation - If enabled, the output matrix will include linear interpolation of translation. Available only if A and B are Matrix type.


Lerp Rotation - If enabled, the output matrix will include linear interpolation of rotation. Available only if A and B are Matrix type.


Lerp Scale - If enabled, the output matrix will include linear interpolation of scale. Available only if A and B are Matrix type.





Result - The result value.