import shape
This generator will take scene object, create particle and copy object's mesh to the particle shape. This is the way to import scene objects into the simulation. Multiple objects will result in multiple particle on the output.
Note: Particle generator output pins and data are available only when the particle is created. To access particles continuously, use the get particle group node.
Enabled - Enable or disable node evaluation.
Particle Group - Generated particles will belong to this this group.
Objects by RegEx - You can use regex (regular expressions) to select objects in the scene. This is a very powerful tool to automatize the process.
Objects - List of objects that you want to use. Double click on object name to remove it from the list or use Remove button. You can select multiple objects.
Hide Object - When enabled, the original object in the scene will be automatically hidden.
Hide/Unhide- Click on this button to hide or unhide Objects on the list
Inherit Mesh - New particle will copy the object's mesh to its shape.
Inherit Velocity - New particle inherit object's velocity.
Inherit Spin ??? If an object is rotating during the import process, the newly generated particle will inherit its rotational motion..
Set Mass - Sets a mass of a new object. Mass is calculated from object???s volume and user defined density.
Density - Object density.
Particle Stream - Generated particle stream.
Object - Object that particle was created from.
Object Index - Index of the object in the list.
Object Name - Object name.