


This node can displace the shape surface by using a texture. It displaces shape vertices by the intensity of the underlying texmap and along the surface normal.





#Particle Stream - This pin requires a particle stream to be connected.


Enabled - Enable or disable node evaluation.


Texmap - Texmap you want to use. Click on this button to open the 3ds max material browse window to select a texmap. Right click on this button for more options.


UVW Map Channel - Mapping channel for particle shape UVW coordinates.


Strength - Displacement strength multiplier.


Strength Var % - Displacement strength variation.


Use Selection - If enabled, only selected faces will be displaced.


All Must Match - When enabled, all adjacent faces of the vertex must be selected as otherwise it won't be displaced.


Use Material ID - If enabled, only vertices whose adjacent faces have user defined Material ID will be displaced.


Material ID - Face material ID.


All Must Match - When enabled, all adjacent faces of the vertex must have the same Material ID as oherwise it won't be displaced.