create fibers
This node can create a new fiber between any two particles. New fiber type will be set to Stretch.
Enabled - Enable or disable node evaluation.
#Particle 1 - First particle that will form the fiber.
#Particle 2 - Second particle that will form the fiber.
Fiber Group - Choose a group to which new fiber will be added.
Refine Type - User can add more particles on the fiber. All additional particles will be evenly distributed between Particle 1 and Particle 2 positions. There are three options.
- None - Refinement is disabled.
- Distance - Additional particles will be spaced by the Refine By value.
- Count - There will be additional particles added as defined by the Distance By value.
Refine By - Parameter related to Refine Type option.
Particle Group - Particle group for new particles created by the refinement process.
Cluster - Cluster group for new particles created by the refinement process.
Deactivate Particle 1 - When enabled, the particle on the Particle 1 pin will be deactivated for the cloth simulation. This particle will be fixed (assuming no other forces are affecting it). It's useful if you need to make an anchor.
Deactivate Particle 2 - When enabled, the particle on the Particle 2 pin will be deactivated for the cloth simulation. This particle will be fixed (assuming no other forces are affecting it). It's useful if you need to make an anchor.
Stretch Stiffness - Stretch Fibers stiffness. Stiffer fibers will have higher resistance to stretch forces.
Stretch Damping - Use this parameter to dampen fiber's endpoint velocities. This will only dampen the velocities along the fiber direction.
Rest Length Scale - Use this parameter to change the fiber length when it's in the rest state. Lower values than 1.0 will have the tendency to shrink the cloth surface as the fiber has the tendency to return to its rest state.
Enable Fiber Tear- If enabled, the fibre can be torn by using the Tear node.
Stretch Tear Limit % - Fiber will be torn if its length increases over this parameter value.
Compress Tear Limit % - Fiber will be torn if its length decreases over this parameter value.
Plasticity - Allow material to accumulate deformations which will then remain permanent.
Threshold % - Stretch threshold after which the material will no longer be able to return to the previous state.
Rate % - The rate at which deformations will accumulate.