Organize particles into clusters by using different algorithms. Finding the best cluster group center is an iterative process where cluster centers and particle cluster assignment changes from iteration to iteration until there are no further changes. However, we have provided a user defined iteration limit and a threshold.
By default, particles are spatially organized into cluster, but this node allows user to organize particles by any user provided scalar value supplied through the Cluster Data pin.
#Particle Stream - This pin requires a particle stream to be connected.
Enabled - Enable or disable node evaluation.
Cluster Centers - Use this option to define how cluster centers will be created.
- User Defined Points - Select a particle group that will be used as inital cluster centers.
- Cluster Count - This is automatic cluster creation. It will organize all input particles into a user defined number of cluster groups.
- Cluster Size - This is automatic cluster creation. It will organize all input particles into clusters where each cluster will have maximum of Cluster Size particles.
#Cluster Data - This pin allows user to assign a value to each particle and the algorithm will cluster particles by this data.
Cluster Centers Group - Select a particle group that will be used to define cluster centers.
Cluster Count - Particle will have a maximum of number of clusters as defined with this value.
Seed - Random number generator seed. Change this value for different cluster patterns.
Cluster Size - Each cluster will have a maximum of Cluster Size particles.
Iterations - Number of iterations.
Threshold - By using the threshold we can terminate iterations in a clever way. Iterations will terminate sooner if the number of particles that have changed the cluster in an iteration step is lower than the threshold.