arnold volume grid



This node displays the voxel grid data in the viewport.





Enabled - Enable or disable node evaluation.


Grid - Select available grid from the list.


Material - Assign Arnold Standard Volume material that will be used to render voxels.


Step Size %- Rendering step size relative to the grid spacing. Step size smaller than grid spacing increases rendering times.


Padding - Add extra padding to the volume which might be useful for motion blur.


Do Motion Blur - Apply motion blur to caches.


Motion Blur Duration - Duration interval for the motion blur in frames.


Smoke - Select this option if you are using smoke channel inside the Arnold/Redshift Standard Volume material.

Channel - Arnold/Redshift name: Smoke


Sharpen Strength - This is the sharpening strength of the smoke channel.


Sharpen Radius - The radius of the sharpen filter in voxels. Values below 1.0 could produce artifacts unless the Sharpen Strength value is lowered.


Fire/Fuel - Select this option if you are using fire or fuel channel inside the Arnold/ Redshift Standard Volume material.

Channel - Arnold/Redshift name: Fire

Channel - Arnold/Redshift name: Fuel


Sharpen Strength - This is the sharpening strength of the fire or fuel channel.


Sharpen Radius - The radius of the sharpen filter in voxels. Values below 1.0 could produce artifacts unless the Sharpen Strength value is lowered.


Temperature - Select this option if you are using temperature channel inside the Arnold Standard Volume material. This channel is most commonly used with Black-body shader.

Channel - Arnold/Redshift name: Temperature


Sharpen Strength - This is the sharpening strength of the temperature channel.


Sharpen Radius - The radius of the sharpen filter in voxels. Values below 1.0 could produce artifacts unless the Sharpen Strength value is lowered.


Color - Select this option if you are using color channel inside the Arnold Standard Volume material.

Channel - Arnold/Redshift name: Color


Velocity - Select this option if you are using velocity channel inside the Arnold Standard Volume material. When Motion Blur is enabled this channel will be loaded automatically.

Channel - Arnold/Redshift name: Velocity