Disk Caching


NodeWorks lets you cache simulations to disk and to load them later. A cache will include particles, splines and particle shapes.


Path - select a path where you want to cache your simulation. For network rendering make sure that this is a network path.


Range - Defines the simulation range for export.


Start Frame - A user defined simulation export start frame.


End Frame - A user defined simulation export end frame.


Export - Click on this button to export the simulation.


On Load

Frame Offset - This parameters defines cache loading offset frame.


Before Start Frame - Choose what happens when the system tries to load cache before the Time Start.


After End Frame - Choose what happens when the system tries to load cache after the Time End.


Use Retimer - Enable this option if you want to retime caches during loading.


Time Scale Factor - Use this parameter to slow down or speed up caches playback speed..


Create Missing Channels - By enabling this option the system will create any particle custom channel that is present in the cache but not in the Workspace.


Default Particle Group - Particle will be loaded into a group it is saved to which is determined by the group name. If the group does not exist, the particle will be moved to the group as defined by this option.


Create Missing Group - By enabling this option the system will create any group that is present in the cache but not in the Workspace.


Cached Attributes - Select particle attributes to be saved in the cache.



Enable/Disable Memory Caching Support

Particle Groups: Use the Caching button to enable or disable disk caching.


Custom Channels: To cache custom channel use the Caching button to enable or disable caching to disk. If custom channels are not needed we advise to disable Custom Channels caching option from the Cached Attributes list.


Splines: Nodes such as Particle to Spline and Voxel to Spline have Save To Cache option that will determine whether those splines will be cached or not.