Customize Editor
User interface functionality can be adjusted to user preferences.
Show All Pins - When enabled, all the nodes user create will display all their pins.
Highlight Links - Highlights all connections for the currently selected node.
Show Pin Tooltip - Displays pin tooltips (if present) when mouse hovers over the pin name.
Show parameter Tooltip - Displays parameter tooltips (if present) when mouse hovers over the parameter.
Highlight Required Pins - Highlights those pins that must to be connected for node to operate.
Display Grid - Displays the node editor grid.
Grid Size - Distance between the grid lines.
Use Drag Snapping - Enables node snapping to a user defined snapping grid (diffferent from display grid).
Snap Size - Distance between the snapping grid lines.
Show Node About - Some nodes have additional About rollout and you can hide them by disabling this option..
Use Node Alpha - Displays nodes with transparency.
Alpha Value % - Node transparency.
Reset Node Names - Each node can have a user defined name. Clicking this button will revert all node names to their default.
Node Comment Use % - Comment nodes have text area width defined in pixels by default. You can change this to be in percentages by default, depending on your commenting preferences.
Width % - Default comment node text area width as percentage of the comment node width.
GUI Font - User can change default font for the user interface.
Font Scale % - Scale the font size. Useful if your Windows font is scaled.