Simple Source
This is the basic source type, which assumes a predefined geometric shape (box, cylinder or sphere). In many cases, if you just want to create simple collision objects, it is easier to build Simple Sources into your scene rather than create real geometry and create Object Source.
To create a Simple Source, click on the FumeFX menu and select Simple Source. Source will be created automatically and its parameters will be presented within attribute editor.
Active - You can turn this source on/off using this checkbox. You can also animate this checkbox.
Rate ??? This value will reduce all emission parameters proportionally.
Type - The type chosen affects how the source volume is treated:
Volume fills the entire volume of the source.
Shell fills only the surface of the source.
Solid fills only the surface of the source; the interior is interpreted as a solid object, so nothing can pass through it.
Shape - Here, choose between three basic geometries: Sphere, Box, or Cylinder.
Dimension Parameters - Depending on selected Shape, you can set dimensions, such as Diameter, or Width, Length, and Height.
Free Flow - If you check this, source parameters will still influence channel values, but the source, itself, will behave just like fluid. As a result, the source???s velocity will not interrupt fluid movement in any way.
Use Falloff- This option will enable that you use the Falloff Ramp.
Falloff Tab ??? You can use this ramp to alter emitted values by the distance from the center of the source.
Fuel, Oxygen, Temperature, Smoke and Color
Each of these groups has similar set of parameters. These parameters work as a kind of mixing board, allowing you to balance and adjust the basic way in which different channels will affect your FumeFX simulation.
Type - Click the Set button to choose the type of affect that the source will have on that channel. When you click on it, you will get the following pop-up menu:
Disabled - The source won???t change that channel.
Add - The source adds values to voxel.
Set - The source sets value to the voxel.
Amount - This is the amount that is set or added to each voxel.
Map Source ??? Allows you to select various color channels to control the source emission.
Map - With this option, you can use a procedural 3D texture map as a mask for the value that is set.
Velocity parameters cannot have negative values. All parameters can use source controllers as a mask for the value that is set. To do this, right-click the Controller icon (square button with a minus sign), located next to each spinner. Refer to Source Controller section of this manual for more information.
Object - The selected value acts as a multiplier of the object???s movement.
Directional - This defines velocity along the source???s Y-axis (the direction that the source icon???s arrow points to).
Radial - This defines velocity in all directions.
Use these parameters to add irregularities to all of the source???s added values.
Amount - This sets the overall amount of irregularities on a scale from 0-1.
Scale - This value defines noise scale. A good initial value would be in the range of source dimensions. So, if source size is 10, then Scale should be in the range of 1 to 10.
Frames - This value sets the rate of change, expressed as a number of frames for one turbulence cycle.
World Space Turb ??? Enable this option if you want the source to generate turbulence from the world coordinates. In this case turbulence pattern will change with the source motion.