Particle Source



The FumeFX Particle Source lets the user create any particle system within their scene to be used as a component within their FumeFX simulation.  


To create a Particle Source, click on the FumeFX menu and select Particle Source.

Source will be created automatically and its parameters will be presented within attribute editor. Additional controllers make it possible to adjust particle parameters based on particle age.


When selecting particles, make sure to select the particle shape and not the emitter


By using the Attach selected button, multiple particle systems can be added to the Particle Source.


Active - You can turn this source on/off using this checkbox.  


Icon Size - Use this to modify the size of the icon ??? the source???s symbolic representation in the viewport.


Free Flow - If you check this, source parameters will still influence channel values, but the source, itself, will behave just like fluid.  As a result, the source???s velocity will not interrupt fluid movement in any way.


Seed - This value affects the amount of randomization.


Particles must be cached before using them with the Particle Source.
If the FumeFX simulation has more than 1 step, you must increase Over Samples to match the maximum number of sub-steps.




Enable Viewport display of parameters change though the whole particle lifespan: Velocity, Fuel, Temperature, Smoke.



Values are displayed in a form of circles, where the outer circle visualizes radius and the inner circle visualizes the selected parameter relative to the radius.




Radius - This defines the particle radius used within the FumeFX simulation. Be aware that this value can be animated over the particle lifespan through the use of the Radius Controller. This control not only lets you set a start and end particle radius for use within the simulation, but you can determine how the animation progresses using the ramp.


Controller - When active, use this to control the progression between the two Radius spinner values in proportion with particle age.


PA - Currently selected Interpolation Controller (Particle Age). It can be used only if Controlled checkbox is enabled.



Velocity Multiplier

Amount - The selected value acts as a multiplier of the particles' movement. Be aware that this value can be animated over time through the use of the ramp. This control not only lets you set a start and end particle velocity multiplier for use within the simulation, but you can determine how the animation progresses.


Controller - When active, use this to control the progression between the two Amount spinner values in proportion with particle age.


Source controller - Use this source controller to create a mask that affects the velocity multiplier for your particles' effect within the FumeFX simulation. This button has a dash on it and resides beneath the Amount Spinner. Go here to learn more about Source Controllers.


Var % - This establishes maximum variation limits for velocity.



Fuel, Oxygen, Temperature, Smoke and Color

Each of these channels has same set of parameters.  These parameters work as a kind of mixing board, allowing you to set the values of the Fuel, Smoke and Temperature Channels in your source.  One notable feature of Particle Sources is that you can use the ramp as a mask. For each ramp, the X-axis represents a progression of particle age, while the Y-axis represents the amount of masking that is taking place.


Type - Click the Add button to choose the type of affect that the source will have on that channel. When you click on it, you will get the following pop-up menu:


Channel is Disabled - The source won???t change that channel.

Add Values to the Voxel - The source adds values to voxel (v + value = amount).

Set Values in the Voxel - The source sets the voxel at a value (v = amount).


Amount - This is the amount that is set or added to each voxel. Be aware that this value can be animated over time through the use of the ramp. This control not only lets you set a start and end particle velocity multiplier for use within the simulation, but you can determine how the animation progresses.


Controller - Use this to control the channel???s progression in proportion with particle age.


Source controller - Use this source controller to create masks that affects the various aspects of your particles' effect within the FumeFX simulation. This button has a dash on it and resides beneath the Amount Spinner. Click here to learn more about Source Controllers.



Interpolation Controllers

Interpolation Controllers (ICs) enable you to vary the parameters by particle age (default PA controller), particle velocity, distance from the emitter, distance from any other object in the scene, or by using expressions. The easiest way to visualize how each controller works is to enable the ???Show in Viewport??? button in the Particle Source User Interface and to enable the Radius Controller.


In order to change between the various Interpolation Controller types, right-click the Controller icon. You'll get the following dialog.



When you click the left mouse button over the Interpolation Controller, its dialog will show up. Not all Interpolation Controllers have user interfaces.


Each controller is described below.


Particle Age (PA)


This is the default controller and it has no user interface. The ramp that uses this controller will interpolate between Low and High values based on the particle's age.


Particle Velocity (PV)


The Interpolation between Low and High values is based on the particle velocity. Interpolation is calculated using the ramp only if the particle velocity is in the Minimum to Maximum velocity range.



Emitter Distance (ED)


The interpolation between Low and High values is based on the particle distance from the particle system emitter. If the particle is further away than specified by the Maximum parameter only the High value will be applied. If the particle is closer than specified by Minimum, the Low values will be applied. All other distances ranging from Minimum to Maximum will be used to interpolate the parameter.



Object Distance (OD)


This Controller is similar to the Emitter Distance Controller, but instead of using a particle emitter as the only reference object, you can attach any object from the scene.