PRT_PDC Loader



This is the FumeFX’ particle loader for Maya and Krakatoa particles cache files.


Parameters Rollout




Cache file Allows user to select PRT or PDC cache file.


Channels This window will list all the channels found inside the cache file for the current frame. Only the channels listed in white color will be recognized by the FumeFX.


Caches Naming



Base Frame – This will be the first cache that will be loaded.

Increment – The cache numbering increment.


For example.


The PDC caches file might looks like this:





In this case user will set the Base Frame value to 250 and Increment to 250.


PRT cache will usually look like this:





In this case user will set the Base Frame value to 0 and Increment to 1.


Particle Control



Custom Transform – If this option is left unchecked, all the particles will be placed on the location that is red from the file. Once this option is checked the user will be able to move the particle system by moving the PRT_PDC loader icon.


System Scale – Use this parameter to enlarge (System Scale>1) or shrink(System Scale<1) the whole particle system. Velocities are also scaled.


Life, Fuel, Fire, Density, Temp., Vel. Scale – All those parameters will scale the value from the cache file.


Particle Nth Display



Viewport – This option can be used to reduce the number of particles displayed inside the viewport.





Viewport – Choose the viewport display style between plus and dot marker


Render Size – The particle size used for rendering.