General Parameters






Simulation Grid

Spacing - The Dynamics simulation is performed on a grid, where each cell is assumed to be one element of the water. Smaller spacing will produce smaller and more detailed waves than higher spacing. Smaller spacing will need more elements to be created over the same simulation grid, and thus more calculations will need to be performed.


Grid Size - Number of simulation grid elements (X elements x Y elements).


Width - Simulation grid width.


Length - Simulation grid length.


Dynamics simulations will be performed only within the boundaries of the Dynamics Daemon simulation grid, defined with the Width and Length parameters. Once you have calculated your simulation, changing Spacing, Width or Length will require you to run the calculations again.



Simulation Parameters

Time Step - The DreamScape Dynamics simulation is performed in small time-steps, where various force contributions are summed up. Small time steps (0.01-0.1) will create accurate simulations, while large time steps may produce calculation errors (depending on the complexity of the simulation and mesh interaction).


Waves Scale - Once the dynamics are calculated, use this option to raise or lower the waves. This way you can fine-tune the simulation results without having to run the calculations again.


Water Density - Density of the water. A higher Density setting will produce higher buoyant force that is acting on objects.


Gravity - Gravitational acceleration. Its influence is visible on the objects that use dynamics. With higher gravity, their speed will increase.




Propagation - The traveling speed of the waves.


Dumping - Once the wave is created, it will continue to travel across the dynamics grid. Without "dumping," it will continue to travel and reflect infinitely. In nature, there are many factors why the amplitude of the waves is weaker with time. This parameter simulates all of these attenuation factors.