MAXScripting AfterBurn



MaxScript Support



<void>AddPartsDaemon <node>particle_daemon

- This method allows you to add particles or Daemons to AfterBurn


<void>AddLight <node>light

- This method allows you to add lights to AfterBurn


<void>RemovePartsDaemon <node>particle_daemon

- Use this method to remove particles or Daemons from AfterBurn


<void>RemoveLight <node>light

- Use this method to remove lights from AfterBurn


<boolean> LoadPreset <TCHAR>filename

- Use this method to load all settings from AfterBurn preset file (.abn)

<boolean> SavePreset <TCHAR>filename

- Use this method to save all settings to AfterBurn preset file (.abn)

<maxObject> GetAFC <int>index

- Use this method to get AFC by index. AFC is also automatically updated.

< maxObject > GetGradient <int>index

- Use this method to get Gradient by index. Gradient is also automatically updated.


Note: You can also get to AFCs and Gradients by getting AfterBurn (ab = getatmospheric x), then getting an appropriate rollout (ab.get???) and then AFC or Gradient.

< maxObject > GetNoise()

- Use this method to get current noise generator


<boolean> SetNoisebyName <string>name


<boolean> SetNoisebyIndex <int>index

- Use this methods to set noise generator. Valid names are: Fractal, Turbulent, Fbm Fractal, Fbm Turbulence, Smoke, Rock, Spots, 3D Map