voxelized gen



This generator will voxelize object and place particles in the voxel center.





Enabled - Enable or disable node evaluation.


Particle Group - Generated particles will belong to this this group.


Cluster By - Each particle is automatically assigned to a cluster. There are several options how you can group particles into clusters.

  • Constant - All particles that this node creates are assigned to the same unique cluster group.
  • Simulation Frame - Only particles that are created on the same frame are assigned to the same unique cluster group.
  • Object - Particles are assigned to the same unique cluster group based on the object they are created on.
  • Particle - Each particle is assigned to its own unique cluster group



Objects by RegEx - You can use regex (regular expressions) to select objects in the scene. This is a very powerful tool to automatize the process.


Objects - List of objects that you want to use. Double click on object name to remove it from the list or use Remove button. You can select multiple objects.


Animated Mesh - Enable this option if objects are animated in any way. Keeping this option disabled results in faster computations.




Time Start - Emission start time. There will be no emission before this frame.


Time End - Emission end time. There will be no emission after this frame.


Dense Pack - This option will place particle as close as possible instead of voxel center placement.


Lock Sizes - When enabled, voxel dimensions will be the same along each axis forming a cube.


Voxel Size X - Voxel size on X axis.


Voxel Size Y - Voxel size on Y axis.


Voxel Size Z - Voxel size on Z axis.


Lock Jitter - When enabled, particle position jittering will be the same along each axis forming a cube.


Jitter X % - Position jittering along X axis as a percentage of the Voxel Size X.


Jitter Y % - Position jittering along Y axis as a percentage of the Voxel Size Y.


Jitter X % - Position jittering along X axis as a percentage of the Voxel Size Z.




Life Span - Particle life span in frames. Particles that are older than its lifespan will be automatically deleted.


Life Span Var % - Life Span variation.


Size - Particle size.


Size Var - Particle size variation.


Density - Particle density. Particle mass is computed from particle size and density so that bigger particles will have bigger mass.


Density Var % - Density variation.


Seed - Random number generator seed. Change this value to get different pattern.





Particle Stream - Generated particle stream.


Position - Position of generated particle.