Probe Operator




This operator is unique to Thinking Particles. It isolates some of the abilities available through the Test operator and primarily exists for simplicity. Its user interface only allows you to pick a FumeFX object and select whether you want to extract values from either a point in world space or a particle position.


Radio Button - Use this, just as you would in the Test operator, to select what you want the operator to test. Choose either Use Particle Input (particle position) or Use Position Input (world position). This selection must be directly selected in the user interface; it cannot be connected as input.


Note: You must connect a particle stream if you use particle input, or a point3 value if you use position input.


Outputs from this operator are:

Point in Grid (bool) - This tells you whether the particle or point3 is inside current FumeFX adaptive grid limits or not.


Channel values - This yields values for Smoke (float), Temperature (float), Fire (float), Fuel (float), Vorticity (float) and Velocity (point3). They are all set to zero if the point is outside of FumeFX grid.