

Released on 21.November.2023


New Features and Improvements

- The FFX Burn modifier has undergone a name change to FFX Vertex Test, bringing with it advanced features and performance enhancements. In addition to modifying the vertex color channel, it now has the ability to write to the vertex selection weights channel. New functionality also enables the use of particles and scene objects to adjust vertex channels based on proximity. Alongside its existing capabilities to access FumeFX fire/smoke/temperature channels, this revamped modifier allows for a whole new range of effects.


Using particle distance to write to the vertex selection weights channel.


- Added Particle Skin modifier that supports NodeWorks particle system and groups.

- FFX Vertex Paint modifier becomes FFX Velocity Paint with added paint radius option.



- Spherical and Prismatic joints added soft limits option.

- Spherical joint added damping attribute.





- Scanline error about texture vertices on imported mirrored objects.

- Spherical joint bug that could cause oscillations.

- Import shape and geom node didn`t take altered pivot point position/rotation into consideration.

- Objects that were mirrored didn`t import properly into the NodeWorks.

- Display Attributes didn`t properly display PhysX joints with memory cache.

- Voronoi shatter fragments at wrong locations since 6.1.1.

- Added check for dependency loop to pick nodes.

- Spline Force direction error with 3ds max curves.

- PhysX Set Joint Attribute node didn`t work properly with spherical joints.

- Memory caching didn`t clear up splines on frame restore and didn`t pass custom spline color to User Data.

- Spline Force didn`t restart simulation if spline was moved or changed.